Children grow and develop fast during their toddler years. They start exploring their world more independently. Their coordination improves, and they begin doing more things for themselves.

From their first steps to running, toddlers steadily enhance their walking skills, gaining speed and stability. By age 2, they typically can run, avoid obstacles, climb onto furniture, and navigate stairs with support. If your child started walking later, they might reach these milestones a bit later, but they’ll catch up.

By age 3, toddlers can run quickly, jump, climb, pedal a tricycle, and balance briefly on one leg. To develop these skills, they need regular practice in various environments, like playing chase games outdoors or using playground equipment.

Other activities like soft play and swimming also offer excellent opportunities for toddlers to be active and challenge themselves with new skills.

These physical skills are called motor (movement) skills. Children develop 2 types of motor skills:

  1. Fine motor skills - these involve using your hands and fingers to control small objects.
  2. Gross motor skills - these involve using the large muscles in your body to make large movements.