Named School Nurse and service description
Each school has a Named School Nurse and has termly meetings with their School Nurse (at least 3 per year) of which one meeting will be to check school policies and procedures, collect data for the School Health Database and review IHCPs (Individual Health Care Plan). The other two termly meetings are for agreement between the service and the school and may be used, for example, for support of school staff in managing children and young people with health conditions in school. The Named School Nurse will complete the health needs assessments for children / young people within the school who are subject to a child protection plan and occasionally within safeguarding circumstances where a health need has been identified.
We support electively educated pupils, and children and young people attending pupil referral units. For young carers and young people with the youth justice service, we work closely with the specialist team to support them.
It is the School Nurses’ responsibility to attend all the necessary Child Protection Conferences, carry out health assessments on children where there are safeguarding concerns and support with any identified health needs.