You may want to tell your family and friends immediately, or wait a while until you know how you feel. Or you may want to wait until you have had your first ultrasound scan, when you're around 12 weeks pregnant, before you tell people.

Some of your family or friends may have mixed feelings or react in unexpected ways to your news. You may wish to discuss this with a midwife.

Make an appointment with your GP as soon as you know that you are pregnant, ideally this should be by 10 weeks to ensure that you receive all the care you require. The care that you will receive during your pregnancy is known as antenatal care. Your antenatal appointments will be with the community midwives and are held at a GP surgery, children’s centre or hospital.

If you’re entitled to paid maternity leave, you must tell your employer you’re pregnant no later than the 15th week before your baby is due.

You must tell them:

  • You’re pregnant
  • The date of the week your baby is due (your employer can ask to see a medical certificate or 'MAT B1 form' – you get this from your doctor or midwife once you’re 20 weeks’ pregnant)
  • The date you want to start maternity leave